
FAITH FOR MID SEA by Kay Daniels

It is easy to exercise faith at the start and when the end is in view. But it is not easy to exercise faith when at the middle. Faith is most needed for the middle. 

Relationships, marriages, promises, etc often get challenged at the middle. That is when faith is needed the most. 

There is faith to start, there is faith to continue and there is faith for the finish line. You will finish strong in Jesus name. 

Declaring the end from 
the beginning, 
and from ancient times the things 
that are not yet done, 
saying, My counsel will stand, 
and I will do all that 
I please, 
Isaiah 46:10

God specializes at declaring the end at the beginning. At the beginning, he shows you the end but leaves out the contents that make up the middle. 

There is always something God has finished for which he has sent you to earth to start. 

But the boat was now in the middle of the lake, tossed by waves, for the wind was against it. Matthew 14:24

Things often rise against people at the middle, this is when faith is needed the most. 

Now it happened on a certain day that he went into a boat with his disciples. And he said to them, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake”. And they set out. 
Luke 8:22

Jesus declared their arrival at the other side of the lake but something was air marked for the mid sea...

And when he got into a boat, his disciples followed him,  and, suddenly, a great tempest arose on the lake, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But he was asleep.  And his disciples came to him and woke him up, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” Matthew 8:23-25

Since Jesus had declared the destination, he went to sleep (entered into his rest with peace that passes all understanding). But at mid sea, a sudden storm across to challenge their safe arrival and panicked. But see what Jesus said when they woke him up! 

And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the lake. And there was a great calm. Matthew 8:26

They had faith to enter the boat and probably believed Jesus when he told them they were going to the other side, but their faith was not adequate to face the sudden storms, so Jesus called it little faith. 

If you faint in the day 
of adversity, 
your strength is small. 
Proverbs 24:10

So little faith often shever in the face of challenge. 

I decree this day that you will possess adequate faith to face sudden challenges that come against you in Jesus name. 

Step out today with faith to withstand the storms of life. 

Good morning and have a great day. So be it in Jesus name. 

Kay Daniels 

1 comment:

  1. Am 👌😪blessed 🙏.
    I really am.
    Thanks for always being there
    I have made everything a song
