

Light is key to advancement. The Bible says,"Light is sweet and a beautiful thing for the eyes to behold the sun."

Light has dimensions which are as follows:

- The fire dimensions

- The flame dimension

- The salt dimension

- The Light dimension.

There is the physical light or visible light that powers our eyes to see.

There is the intellectual light that powers our mental or soulish eyes.

The mental dimension of light is what powers man's dominion on the earth.

The light of the soul is powered by the Spirit that comes from God as revealed in Isaiah 11:2

And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on him,
the Spirit of wisdom
and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; Isaiah 11:2

The light of the soul manifests itself in five dimensions.

* The imagination which is powered by light and inspired by the Spirit of Understanding.

* The memory which is powered by light and inspired by the Spirit of Knowledge.

* The Intellect which is powered by light and inspired by the Spirit of wisdom.

* The emotion, which is powered by light and inspired by the Spirit of the fear of God.

* The will, which is powered by light and inspired by the Spirit of Counsel.

When light is inspired by the Spirit of God, it makes men who were formally darkness, to manifest as lights and salts, in their quest to reign on the earth as kings and priests.

Priests are lights, providing direction while kings are salts, giving expressions to the directives of the light.

“and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we will reign on the earth”. Revelation 5:10

Light has been designed to make out of kingdom citizens, (those who have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord and believe that he is the son of God) kings and priests, with the intent of making them owners of the earth. 

Kay Daniels 

Watch out for Accelerate Global Impact Summit. 

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