

Palace of Creativity

Nothing inspires creativity like light. Before the beginning began, the creator of the entire universe lived and dwelt in eternity. Eternity can be likened to a region not bounded by time. 

He stood as it were on nothing and was standing next to nothing as far as reasoning in time is concerned. 

He created for himself companions that reflected His glory in that timeless region. In the beginning, He created heaven and earth, which means that while in the timeless region, (eternity) He caught an idea of heaven and earth and went ahead to create it. 

We were told that earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Why was Earth like that, since that was not the record about heaven.

This means heaven had form, and beaming with light. It was like a cup full of juice on one side and an empty cup on the other side. Heaven was full of juice, while Earth was empty. 

Everything earth needed and would ever need to take shape was loaded in heaven. Upon the face of the earth moved the Spirit of the Lord. 

The Spirit of the Lord when activated makes available on earth whatever is in heaven. Before building a house, you need an architect to make a design of what is to be built. 

Not only is a prototype put together, you also make available a storehouse for storing all that would be needed for the building. Heaven was the architectural design and also houses everything that would be needed to build or give form, substance, and light to Earth.

Everything was hidden in heaven, but when God decided to begin the creation process, He activated first the most important thing in heaven and that was light. 

He said, “Let there be light and there was light.” What did He do? He looked into heaven, where the light had been stored, and activated it by His word. 

The switch that powers anything in heaven is voice-activated. Heaven is full of keys or switches, which are activated by sound.

Everything we see today in our world is a product of life available in the eternal realms. This life is what gives light to men on the earth. 

In him was life, and the life was the light of men. John 1:4

To be continued tomorrow

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