

There is a thin line.

Self-love, selfishness, and self-centeredness are often mistaken, the lines in between are often blurred but they are different. Self-love is about caring for and prioritizing oneself without harming others, it is doing to yourself what you want others to do. Say if you're good or kind to yourself, others will treat you the same way.
Selfishness is prioritizing your interests at the expense of others. While discussing with someone, he said selfishness is like having attention and not wanting to give it out while self-centeredness is craving attention, wanting everyone's attention for oneself.

These concepts are important in personal growth, and friendship because they shape how we interact with others and affect our well-being.

Self-love: It's about treating oneself with kindness, compassion, and respect. It means valuing oneself, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritizing one's own needs while still caring for others. Self-love is essential for good mental and emotional health.

Selfishness: prioritizing one's interests above all else, regardless of the impact on others. It involves disregarding others' needs, wants, and feelings. Selfishness can damage relationships and can lead to loneliness and unhappiness.

Self-centeredness: According to 'very well mind' a self-centred person tends to be focused on themselves and may have difficulty in showing consideration, and empathy for others. Self-centeredness differs from self-love because while self-love involves taking care of your needs and putting yourself first once in a while, particularly if you’re dealing with something stressful, self-centeredness involves thinking only about oneself. It is excessive focus on oneself to the exclusion of others. It can manifest in behaviours such as narcissism, lack of empathy, and constant self-promotion. It can create a sense of superiority and superiority complex that can be off-putting to others and lead to social isolation.

Overall, these concepts all revolve around a person's focus on themselves, but they differ in the extent to which they prioritize self-interest over others and the impact on relationships. 

It is important to carefully understand each concept because it takes just a little before the lines are blurred. 
In the end, self-love is about loving yourself in a healthy way that allows you to love others well and how they should in turn love you. Selfishness is about prioritizing your desires at the expense of others, and self-centeredness is a fixation on oneself to the point of ignoring others. By nurturing self-love, we can create a positive ripple effect in our relationships, communities, and the world at large. Understand the differences.


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